Check out a recent custom-ordered retirement chest made for a Coast Guard servicemember. A Yeoman Chief Petty Officer (YNC) works directly with our personnel to solve problems, council, answer questions related to career changes, entitlements, and nearly all personnel related actions to help our service members navigate through their careers. We paid special tribute… Continue reading ⚓︎Coast Guard Yeomen Dual Flag Retirement Chest ⚓︎
WoodyThings’ Blog
Star Seller Badge
We’re super excited to share our shop met the Etsy Star Seller badge! The badge is used to help customers know they can purchase from our shop with confidence, knowing we have a record of providing an excellent customer experience. Speedy replies, Great Reviews, and Smooth Shipping are some of the attributes measured to ensure… Continue reading Star Seller Badge
US Army Specialist Chest
Check out a recent custom-ordered retirement chest made for an Army Specialist. A Specialist is one of the four junior enlisted ranks in the U.S. Army (Hooah!). The rank is above privates and Private First Class. The rank is right below the rank of Sergeant.
IYAOYAS Navy Retirement Chest
If you ain’t ordnance, you ain’t sh*t. Check out a recent custom ordered retirement chest made for one of the hardest working classes in today’s military – an ordnance man. We personalized our Military Retirement Chest by adding a few unique pieces to it. But first, let’s talk about the chest. This Military chest is… Continue reading IYAOYAS Navy Retirement Chest
US Coast Guard Aircrew Retirement Chest
Check out a recent custom-ordered Coast Guard retirement chest made for a fellow air winger. This Military chest is made from solid wood, we use premium select pine, as it contains less knots and is smoother in texture. This version of the chest measures approximately 24” long x 16” wide x 20” tall. These… Continue reading US Coast Guard Aircrew Retirement Chest