DIY Industrial Pipe Headphone Stand

DIY Industrial Pipe Headphone Stand Do you enjoy listening to music loudly through noise cancelling over the ear ginormous headpieces? If you’re an audio fanatic like me, you have a few sets of headsets laying around the house and want to store them safely. Heck, you payed good money for them! Check out this quick Industrial… Continue reading DIY Industrial Pipe Headphone Stand

Rustic Wooden Pot and Spatula Holder

It should go without saying that we at WoodyThings receive our fair share of custom orders. Whenever we receive an order we think can be made into a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Project or product, we LOVE to share the project with you. We especially enjoy sharing the easy to make, quick, useful and affordable projects you can… Continue reading Rustic Wooden Pot and Spatula Holder

Pi and Pie Day, Here’s a Few Ways To Celebrate

What The Heck is Pi Day? Being a Man of Husk, its safe to say I know my way around some good pies. My favorite by a long shot is good old southern pecan pie. It’s sweet, crunchy, and juicy in the middle. Unless you’re allergic to pecans, how could Pecan Pie NOT be your favorite?… Continue reading Pi and Pie Day, Here’s a Few Ways To Celebrate

How To Make Paper Darts for Dart Blow Guns

How To Make Paper Darts A while back we showed you How To Make Blow Dart Guns. By popular demand, we now offer blow guns you can purchase here. It goes without saying that as fun as these toys are, you can’t ever have enough darts. Well, we’ve come to the rescue! This blog post will… Continue reading How To Make Paper Darts for Dart Blow Guns