Behind The Scenes – Adding Mounting Felt to the inside lid.

Here’s a behind the scenes pic of Raquel mounting the felt to the inside of the lid – between the two flag displays. Mounting felt is perfect for adding ribbons, badges, patches, pictures and more to the inside of the chest. Pictured above is the 26” Military Chest. The same process is used on our… Continue reading Behind The Scenes – Adding Mounting Felt to the inside lid.

Behind the Scenes, Making a WoodyThings Keepsake Box

We’re happy to share with you exactly how we put together one of our most popular, best-selling items… The Military Keepsake Boxes! After we receive an order, we immediately check out the custom order details, which includes the box dimensions. We then head straight to the workshop and start making some sawdust! First we cut… Continue reading Behind the Scenes, Making a WoodyThings Keepsake Box

Nail Polish Dipped Mug with Heart Shape

I first saw this technique on Pinterest and thought it was the coolest thing! I never thought of using nail polish to craft with, So I HAD to give it a try it. 

Do It Yourself Wooden Gift Ideas

Do-It-Yourself Wooden Gift Ideas Have you checked out our Easy Way to Transfer Ink Onto Wood article? How about the Woodburning Tool How-to and technique article? If you haven’t, we invite you to take a quick look and see just how EASILY you too can create beautifully personalized items at home. The materials and tools aren’t too expensive, and you can… Continue reading Do It Yourself Wooden Gift Ideas