My nephew who recently turned 5 is pretty much obsessed with Minecraft as most boys these days are. Naturally when his parents decided to throw him a party the only theme he wanted was a Minecraft theme. The problem with that is they don’t sell Minecraft party supplies anywhere, at least not yet. So what does one do when you have this kind of problem? You make your own decorations of course!
They were so incredibly simple to make and the results, well they speak for themselves. Have a look.
- The birthday banner was printed onto cardstock paper, using Adobe Illustrator
2. This awesome 8” cake was made to look like the blocks of grass in Minecraft! To learn how to make this cake step by step click here:

3. For the Creeper and Enderman balloons, we bought cubed black Mylar’s and round green Mylar’s. We used strips of purple duct tape for Endermans eyes, and black duct tape for the Creepers face.

4. The table cardboard decorations were purchased at Toys R Us and had to be assembled. This will take up quite a bit of your time, so be sure to start assembling these several days prior to the party.

5. For the candy/goody boxes I bought a pack of Chinese cartons at Michaels craft store. Each pack comes with 7 containers. I first drew the faces onto the carton before I painted them. I made 2 Steves, 2 Creepers and 2 Stampy Cats. You can also make the enderman, the blocks of grass and countless other Minecraft props and characters.

Thank you for reading! We’d love to hear what you thought of this article. Do you have any suggestions/questions?
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