DIY Moss Covered Vase

DIY Moss Covered Vase

Here’s a super simple DIY project that will transform any old container into an elegant vase for your beautiful bouquet.

All you’ll need for this project is:

  • plastic container or glass jar
  • Moss
  • Twine or Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun



1. First you will have to wrap the moss around the jar or container to see how much of it you will need to cover it.
2. Cut the moss to the length and width of the jar3. Use your hot glue gun to cover your plastic container or glass jar with moss.
4. Wrap twine or yarn around the rim of the container or jar.
5. Use your twine or yarn and hot glue gun to spell out the word “Bloom”

6.Finally, fill your container with water and place your flowers in it

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