This Rustic Wooden Pot, Spatula, Apron holder is versatile enough you can use it for a ton of different storage solutions. Enough blabbing, Lets begin!
You don’t need fancy tools for this project.
Here’s The Tool List:
- Drill
- 5/8″ Drill Bit
- Screwdriver or Screwdriver Bit
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Router with preferred bit (optional)
- Speed square (optional)
Materials is about as simple as it comes:
- Board of wood, length and width to your liking. For this project we’re using a 3/4″ x 4″ x 24″ board of pine.
- 5/8×1-3/16″ dowels
- Sand paper, 150-grit or higher (can sand by hand or with a powered sander)
- Wood Glue
- Stain and staining cloths
- Wall-mounting screws (1-1/4″ screws)
Safety Precautions
- Use protective hearing, breathing and eye protection.
- If you’re staining the pieces like we are, use gloves and protect your skin while applying the stain.
- Work in a well illuminated area.
- Make sure you have adequate ventilation.
- Follow safety and operator’s manual that comes with your power tools, equipment and materials.
- Have fun =)
Step 1: Get Wood
You can purchase a board of wood at your local home improvement store, use a scrap piece of wood you may have laying around the house, or pick a piece from your local hobby craft store. We purchased an 8-ft board and cut ours down to 24″ (we’re making a few of these).
Step 2: Sand or RouteThe Edges
If you have access to a router and router bits, select your favorite bit and shape the edges of your board. (optional)
If you do not have a router, you may sand the edges with sand paper, removing splinters and making the wood easier to work.
Step 3: Space Them Out
Now’s a good time to decide the spacing of your piece. Our customer wants about 10-12 hanging dowels, evenly spaced at about 2″ apart.
Take a ruler, and draw a line down the middle of your board (running length wise… the long side).
Measure your spaces and with your pencil, mark where you’ll be drilling the holes.
Step 4: Drill Them Out
I recommend drilling at a 45-degree angle, so that your prongs stick out and up. This will help keep whatever you’re hanging in place and not sliding off your rack.
So, How do you drill a 45-degree angle?
There’s a few ways you can do so, but here’s two tips I found useful.
First tip, Cut a 2×4 piece of wood at a 45-degree angle. Rest the 2×4 over the piece of stock (wood) you’re going to drill into. Lay the edge of the drill bit on the 45-degree edge and Presto! Here’s a 30 second video showing you how to do so:
Tip numero dos (number two), simply prop your stock unto another piece of wood- elevating one side at approximately 45-degrees, and simply drill down. For less precise cuts, quickly, this works well. We used this method for our drilling as we used a drill press and were able to make quick and consistent passes.
How Deep Should You Go? How do you stop yourself from drilling in too-deep?
I recommend placing masking tape approximately 1/2″ from the tip of the drill bit. Then, whenever you’re drilling, this tape can act as your visual guide for when to stop.
You can now paint, stain, or leave project as is. Our customer preferred a stained look, so we’re going that route.
Grab the sand paper (and sander if you have one) and sand the stock until smooth.
Wipe away the excess sawdust and stain the piece.
Once dried, add a dab of wood glue to each hole and insert your dowels.
Ta’da! You’re finished!
You can now hang this piece wherever your heart desires =) For hanging, you can use a set of saw-tooth hangers and attach it to the back. For a more permanent option, drill some pilot holes through the stock, and attach the piece to your wall with the 1-1/4″ screws.