Custom Sneaker Box and Sneaker Design by Artistique Customs | MIA Motivation

Check out a recent custom ordered sneaker box where we partnered with Artistique Customs (@Graffiti212 on Instagram – ) to make a box to go along with a custom-ordered pair of sneakers for Life Coach, Fitness & Wellness Expert, Personal Trainer – Mia Lanz (@MIAMotivation on Instagram). In this video you’ll see us put together… Continue reading Custom Sneaker Box and Sneaker Design by Artistique Customs | MIA Motivation

Reversible Coaster Instagram Giveaway

We love giving back to our followers! This month we are happy to announce a random giveaway. Two PERSONALIZED Wooden Coaster Reversible Coasters. The rules were really simple, no jumping through hoops here. To win one of our best selling items all you had to do was: