2017 Holiday Shopping Guide

Handcrafted Gift Ideas for All  Here you’ll find a listing of our favorite gift ideas for this upcoming holiday season. We’ve curated a listing of our personal favorites and items made by local crafty artists. We’ve included something for men, women, children, home decor and more! In addition to select items from each artist, we’ve… Continue reading 2017 Holiday Shopping Guide

DIY Fathers Day Gift Ideas

WoodyThings Hinged Brick Box

Shopping for a dad doesn’t have to be hard. We prefer making our own gifts when possible, and today we are sharing some popular DIYs your dad is sure to love. *some links to tools and products may be affiliates where we earn a commission at no cost to you. This helps us keep the… Continue reading DIY Fathers Day Gift Ideas

WoodyTunes Headphone Stands

Do you enjoy listening to music loudly through noise cancelling over the ear ginormous headpieces? If you’re an audio fanatic like me, you have a few sets of headsets laying around the house and want to store them safely. Heck, you payed good money for them! So, How Do YOU Store Your Headphones? If you’re into… Continue reading WoodyTunes Headphone Stands

Father’s Day Shoe Shine Kit

Father’s Day is quickly approaching us and I am once again out of ideas. After 37 years of being a daughter to my dad and 17 years as a wife to my husband I honestly don’t know what else to get neither one of them that I haven’t bought or made them already. I think… Continue reading Father’s Day Shoe Shine Kit

A DIY, personalized wedding or anniversary gift for less than $20

This might be a little silly (or a bit TMI) for some folks, but I think it’s cute. Today I’m going to show you how to make an easy piece of “couples” artwork for less than $20 and in under an hour (not counting drying time.) I think this “Spooning” artwork would be very cute… Continue reading A DIY, personalized wedding or anniversary gift for less than $20