Law Enforcement, Retirement Shadowbox (Custom Ordered)

We are happy to share a recent custom order commissioned by our local Police Department. This large piece pays tribute to a retiring Captain, by including representative items acquired during his career.  The all-wood shadowbox was painted a semigloss black, and encased behind durable plexiglass – to protect against shattering.  The Captain’s items were embedded… Continue reading Law Enforcement, Retirement Shadowbox (Custom Ordered)

Custom Sneaker Box and Sneaker Design by Artistique Customs | MIA Motivation

Check out a recent custom ordered sneaker box where we partnered with Artistique Customs (@Graffiti212 on Instagram – ) to make a box to go along with a custom-ordered pair of sneakers for Life Coach, Fitness & Wellness Expert, Personal Trainer – Mia Lanz (@MIAMotivation on Instagram). In this video you’ll see us put together… Continue reading Custom Sneaker Box and Sneaker Design by Artistique Customs | MIA Motivation