DIY Industrial Pipe Headphone Stand

DIY Industrial Pipe Headphone Stand Do you enjoy listening to music loudly through noise cancelling over the ear ginormous headpieces? If you’re an audio fanatic like me, you have a few sets of headsets laying around the house and want to store them safely. Heck, you payed good money for them! Check out this quick Industrial… Continue reading DIY Industrial Pipe Headphone Stand

Rustic Wooden Pot and Spatula Holder

It should go without saying that we at WoodyThings receive our fair share of custom orders. Whenever we receive an order we think can be made into a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Project or product, we LOVE to share the project with you. We especially enjoy sharing the easy to make, quick, useful and affordable projects you can… Continue reading Rustic Wooden Pot and Spatula Holder

Wall-Mounted USMC Chevron (FREE Downloadable)

Wall-Mounted Wooden Chevron One of the proudest moments for any service member is the moment they earn a promotion to the next rank. I fondly remember every one of my promotions, and the men and women besides me that helped me achieve that rank. If you’re interested in learning how to make an all-wood rank insignia… Continue reading Wall-Mounted USMC Chevron (FREE Downloadable)

How To Make a 6-Foot Book Case

Do you have a large collection of books and need some serious storage space? Today we’ll show you how to make your own 6′ tall book case. Bookcases can be used to hold books, as well as pictures, decorative birdhouses, candles and anything else you would like to have on full display around the home. Our… Continue reading How To Make a 6-Foot Book Case

Wooden SketchPad and Notebook

WoodyThings Notebook DIY We at WoodyThings are suckers for vintage and minimalistic designs. We enjoy clean lines, smooth edges, textured surfaces and a minimalistic appeal. This year we wanted to make a crafty Sketchpad for Angel’s brother as a birthday present, and of course, we wanted to incorporate a wood element to the notebook. We ARE WoodyThings after-all.… Continue reading Wooden SketchPad and Notebook