Marine Corps Yellow Footprints

We are happy to introduce one of our latest products, Natural Wood Yellow Footprint Ornaments! Yellow Footprints are symbolic to any Marine. Our journey and transformation into Marine-hood starts earlier in the enlistment process, however, it is visually captured in true form the moment we step off those buses at Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) Parris Island or… Continue reading Marine Corps Yellow Footprints

From Sketch to Reality, Jarhead Block head

From time to time we like to share how we come up with projects and products. Many times our personalized and custom orders drive many of our sales. Other times we try to improve on a design or come up with something we haven’t seen before. This sketch was inspired by a classic String and… Continue reading From Sketch to Reality, Jarhead Block head

How to Make a Martial Arts Belt Display

Over the next few months we will be publishing some Do-It-Yourself (DIY) ideas you can try at home. While most of our DIYs are simple, we will include some ideas that are a little more detailed and require a bit more skill. Sharing some of these ideas and products will help you create your own or modify them as needed.… Continue reading How to Make a Martial Arts Belt Display

Sneak Peak at the upcoming 2015 DIY blog posts

Where has 2014 gone?  We are extremely proud of the support and patronage you guys have showed us through the years. Since launching our own site in August 2014, we’ve been able to offer unique items directly to you. Please subscribe and share our page to stay up to date and current on our latest… Continue reading Sneak Peak at the upcoming 2015 DIY blog posts

Happy 239th Birthday Marines!

10 November 2014 A MESSAGE FROM THE COMMANDANT OF THE MARINE CORPS In his birthday greeting 70 years ago, General Alexander Vandegrift, our 18th Commandant noted that, “A Birthday is a fitting time to peer backward – and forward.” That year, Marines reflected on an extraordinary year in combat during their amphibious drive across the Pacific.… Continue reading Happy 239th Birthday Marines!